Where We Learn With Each Other

S.E.A: Support, Education, and Advisement Place offers G.E.D classes, Youth leadership classes, Financial planning, food pantry, community support, and more in Lexington County, SC. Our mission is to empower those in need in our local community.

Call us: 803-317-0152 Donate

Our Mission

To empower those in need in our community through Support, Education and Advisement programs and services.

Call us: 803-317-0152 learn more

Our Programs

G.E.D. Program

S.E.A. Place supports adults in the community who wish to further their education by providing a GED program. The program provides tutoring and resources to students that will prepare them to be successful on the exam. The classes, all supplies,workbook, practice test and the cost of the exam are all FREE. Students who earn a GED are then empowered to advance in their current career, or pursue a new career through one of our local technical college programs.

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Food Pantry

SEA Place offers a food pantry on Thursday mornings from 10am-12pm at Radius White Knoll Church. The address is 5181 Platt Springs Road Lexington, and all are welcome.

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Community Outreach

On Friday evenings. S.E.A. Place volunteers drive through the community to offer afree hot meal to anyone who is in need. Volunteers build trusting relationships with those they serve by offering prayer and words of encouragement.Through these relationships. S.E.A. Place is able to walk alongside individuals as they navigate the process of moving forward in their life.

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Meet the Team

John Nix

Mary Thomas
Vice President

Tina Densford

Nessie Harris
Board member & Youth mentor


GED Class Info

When: Every Tuesday 6pm-8pm
Where: White Knoll High School

Questions? Call: 803-317-0152

Get involved at S.e.a. place

Whether you're looking to take a parenting course or get your youth involved in our mentorship program, we want to meet you!  

Call us: 803-317-0152 Donate